Aparently I can only blog when I have a working camera. I got an email from my friend today. She mentioned my nice blog and that I should keep blogging. (Think that was a hint?) Anyway, TJ still hasn't quite gotten the walking thing down yet, but he is trying. Katie is still a motor mouth. Scott has been working CONSTANTLY, I am talking 23 hour shifts (NO JOKE) As for me, I have been sick and have had my hours shifted on me. I now work more afternoons instead of mornings. So far, I don't like the change, as long as it stays 3 days a week, maybe I can deal.
I went to a party my mom had a couple weeks ago. Homade Gourmet I think is what it was called. Anyway, that was fun. I got to see some neighbors I hadn't seen in a while. I was very excited to see an old family friend, but she wasn't able to make it. I ordered a lot of stuff, I hope it is good! The next morning I had lunch with a friend from high school, her husband, and baby. They are such a cute family!
For Valentine's Day we went skiing at Monarch. Monday Scott spent the morning teaching his brother to snowboard and then he took off on his own in the afternoon while his brother and I stayed on the greens. We hit a nice mexican resturant that night and we were going to ski again Tuesday, but I was to sick. My head throbbed just from sitting up. So we headed home took in a movie before picking up the kids from Grandpa and Grandma Rhonda's.
We are having a poker party tonight so, I am desperately trying to get this house in order before they all get there. This weekend I get to see my "cousins" (technically, my DAD's cousins, but he shares) from MO. Unfortunatley, we will be spending Sunday afternoon at a memorial service for our friends' baby so if you could keep them in your prayers as they go through this difficult time that would be great.
I suppose it is time to get back to cleaning. Hopefully when I get a new camera I will be blogging more often.