Friday, January 26, 2007

My first Blue

Well, our small group went to Sol Vista for our anual group ski trip. I did pretty well and they got me to go down my first blue. Acctually I did 2 blues. I was at the top of my game Saturday.

This is me in the morning on a green.

This is Scott on his new board. He really likes it.

This is everyone after lunch. From left to right: Phill, Carla, Scott, Becca, & Brent.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

January Column

I have come to discover some people are cat people and some people are dog people. We are dog people. We even love our cat, because she is so much like a dog. She comes when you call and will chase a ball across the room.
With our cat, Sugar, as the exception, we are definitely dog people. We both grew up with dogs and think that they are very important in our children’s lives as well. We feel it teaches them responsibility, as well as giving them a playmate. Right now, feeding Diamond is TJ’s job and watering Diamond is Katie’s job. They love it. Do you think they will still love doing chores in ten years?
We lost one of our dogs, Eme, a very hyper Lab/Rottie/10 other breeds, in March. We were thinking about getting a new puppy. That is until a beautiful, yet shy, Brittany Spaniel came to stay with us over Christmas and New Years. The Brittany Spaniel, Sadie, is a sweetheart, and ALWYS by your side. Now, Diamond, our lovable OLD German Shepherd, is perfectly happy to be in the same room, but he likes his space. Well, during the week Diamond became quiet jealous of little Sadie. How could I tell? I was on the floor playing with the kids and Sadie was leaning against my back, when Diamond came over and laid his head on my lap. It was both pathetic and hilarious at the same time. We spent the next few days before Sadie when home reassuring him he was the only dog for us.
I think Diamond was very happy to have a friend to play with again. They ran around the yard together, chased rabbits, barked at the neighbor’s dog, and even cuddled together on Diamond’s bed when our furnace when out. Even so, for now I think he would rather live out his last few years as a one-man show. It is bad enough he has to share us with the cat.
His behavior reminded me so much of how kids can act sometimes. I think specifically of sleepovers. They love having friends over, playing games, talking and staying up all night. However, I have seen many a slumber party go bad, because someone gets jealous. Have you ever had a child get mad for no reason during a sleep over? I think it is because parents are usually nicer to guests than their own children. Not to mention there are different rules for a sleepover, you get to stay up late, drink pop and have candy and popcorn. I am sure the treats do not help the situation. For my kids it doesn’t even have to be a sleep over. They have play dates all the time and all of a sudden, they don’t want to share “their” toys.
I once had a little boy get jealous over a baby I was holding, and the boy wasn’t my son! I was giving the baby a bottle and my friend’s son, he was about 12 months old, tried ripping the baby out of my arms, because he was jealous.
I guess children and dogs just need to be reminded how much we love them. We love them even if there is a new dog or baby in the house. Besides, the new dog or baby won’t stay forever. Uh, except for those pesky little siblings. I was lucky enough there wasn’t too much of a struggle between Katie and her new little brother. They are so close in age I am sure she doesn’t remember a time TJ was not around. Still I remember a lot of reassuring her that we loved her and that her new little brother wasn’t taking her place.
Well, Diamond is happy he has the place to him self again and Katie and TJ are inseparable. So, everyone is happy. The puppy will have to wait.

More Snow

I heard on the weather yesterday that it is going to snow again on Friday. Six to twelve inches is what they said. And do you know what. It didn't phase me one bit. I acctually thought, well, that's not a BIG storm. Holy Moly, since when is 6-12 inches NOT a BIG storm??? I have friends in Hawaii now, wish I was with them.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Snowing AGAIN

This picture was taken Saturday I believe. Only in Colorado can you shovel in short sleeves. You would not believe this, but it is snowing AGAIN today. We probably got 6 inches, so it was nothing big or anything, but come on now! Rumor has it (this is NOT confirmed yet) that we are expecting another BLIZZARD late next week!! We may end up pushing TJ's birthday party back. I just hop Katie has school next week. She is so ready to go back.