After reading my fav blog this morning, I realized my blog lacks psychobabble. And isn't that really what makes for a great blog? Interesting pschobabble, yep, that's what draws 'em in. On the other hand, since my blog is really just for me since the on slaught of Facebook. Do I really need psychobabble to juice up my blog? I don't really care if anyone reads it, btw, why ARE you reading this? Yet, I love the mental jog psychobabble provides. And yes, I love the word psychobabble as well.
Another thing that makes me crazy is align left!!! Why cann't the default be justify full? It looks so much better so, what is up with that. Who really wants anything is align left anyway?
And the boy breaks my silence. More when I get another free minute. AKA in 3 months.