Sunday, September 04, 2011


I was just looking back on my blogs.  In early years, I had 100 plus blogs, but in recent years, with the help of Facebook I am sure, I am down to just a hand full in the last few years.  I wouldl ike to see this number go up again.  There is so much more you can say in a blog.  Much more than just a status.  A status is more what are you doing at this very minute.  Blogging is about recording your life, your thoughts, your dreams.  Now, don't think I am giving up Facebook,  not yet anyway.  Where else can you conect with gradeschool friends, co workers and family with a single click?  There are events here in my blog that I hold dear, but wouldn't even reember if I hadn't writen them down years ago.  I was just looking back over the past years since I began blogging.  I have lead a somewhat interesting life.  I think my next blog will be my birth list.  The oppisite of my bucket list hat I posted the other night.  My birth list will include all the awsome things I have done since birth.  And there have been a few.  Some I must say I might not be so proud of, but others are stinking awsome.

Friday, September 02, 2011

My Bucket list

My Bucket List in no particular order:
  1. Go to Italy
  2. Run the Bolder Boulder
  3. Learn to swing dance
  4. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
  5. Finish my Degree
  6. Learn to play the flute
  7. Learn how to use a sewing machine
  8. Make a standing rib roast
  9. See the monuments in DC
  10. See a whale
  11. Work in a zoo
  12. Forgive someone
  13. Read the bible in 90 days
  14. Sell a photograph
  15. Grow an apple tree
  16. Go Christmas caroling
  17. Build a dollhouse
  18. Support a missionary on 6 different continnents
  19. Write a book
  20. Ski black powder
  21. Photograph an endangered species in the wild
  22. See the Red Woods
  23. Go to Las Vegas
  24. Rappel
  25. Visit all 50 states- 20 down 30 to go
  26. Donate blood
  27. Sleep under the stars
  28. See the Northern Lights
  29. Ride in a hotair balloon
  30. Do 100 push ups
  31. Go white water rafting
  32. Go on a home building mission
  33. Go on a spay/neuter mission
  34. See the pryamids
  35. See Machu Picchu
  36. Do a multi pitch climb
  37. Use a pottery wheel
  38. Walk the Great Wall of China
  39. Meet the President (or a previous president)
  40. Meet the Pope
  41. Restore a ragtop '57 Chevy Belair
  42. Help Night Lights open 10 sites
  43. Have a chemical free home
  44. Help a Girl Scout get her Gold Award
  45. Call into a radio station
  46. Get on a jumbotron
  47. Get a part in Fiddler on the Roof (even if it has to be Yente)
  48. Volunteer 500+ hours at the Denver Zoo
  49. Get a hot stone massage
  50. Develope a Sunday School Curriculum VBS counts, right?