Hey, I had a great time with my little sisters this week. They were very well behaved and helped me out with the kids a lot. On Wednesday Janie decided she wanted to go to the zoo. So, we went; we spent about 4 hours there. They kept saying "we don't have those at our zoo," "your animals move, ours just lay there," and "your zoo has better habitats for the animals." So, all in all I think they liked it. I was able to get some really good shots too.

One of the elephants was acctually playing with the metal ball the have hanging from a chain. I have never seen them use that before.

They had a lot of the monkeys out on the monkey island, that was a lot of fun to see them way up in the trees and playing together.

The girls favorite was the polar bears. The male was plaing in the water with a big ball, they really liked that. The female was in another habitat with 2 cubs. She was laying out on the beach and the cubs were wrestling in the water.

This grizzly was so fun. When we first got there he was just laying down, but then he got up and went in the water and pulled his head up under this log. This is my favorite shot from the whole day. Then he got out of the water and sat on the log, stratling it like a horse.

I have never seen peacock babies so I had to get a shot of these when I saw them out walking with their mother near the lions (good place to walk your children.) I just got a couple shot before they disapeared into the tall grass.

The girls were unimpressed with the giraffees as they have so many at their zoo, but I liked this photo.
Katie's favorties were anything that was swimming. When the penguin jumped in the water she said "simin, simin" when we saw the polar bear "simin, momma, simin." It took me a while to get, but I love this picture with Katie's reflection in the glass. And TJ, well, he was unimpressed.

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