Pictures from the baptism as promised. On top: Our pastor is in the striped shirt and the kids are with their respected god parents. Below: Our parents and my sisters with us. With some exceptions with the food not being the way I ordered it. Everything went great. There were a lot of people that cancelled in the last 48 hours, up to minitues before even. I refuse to let it get me down. The way I see it God has big plans for our little TJ for the devil to have been giving us so many problems just with a littte baby's baptism. As I was driving to church at 9:00 it was cold, overcast, and drizzling, but when I went out to the car at noon to get his outfit the sun had come out and it was beautiful. He was baptized with water from Clear Creek, if you don't know that is the same water that makes Coors. We had a few other kids there. Katie's little friend came up to get a closer look while we were baptizing him, it was very cute, and her other little friend (whose dad was taping for me) was more interested in the goose poop. It makes for a great home video.

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