This is a story I wrote this week to win tickets to Sunday's Mammoth game. I will find out today if we won or not. Wish us luck!
Our daughter was a Mammoth fan from the very start. Her dad and I went to our first Mammoth game on Valentine's Day 2003, three and a half months before Katie was born. Starting with that game and every other game for the rest of the season, she would kick wildly whenever the Mammoth were behind. As long as the Mammoth were leading though, I didn't feel her move at all. She was only upset when they were losing.

The next season was great! The Mammoth games were the only place we could take Katie and not have to worry about her crying and disturbing others. The loud noises didn't bother her and she even learned to clap. We could all go out as a family and watch our favorite team.
Last season her little brother TJ was born just a couple games into the season, but Katie was still able to make most of the games. She perfected her clapping skills, but she only seemed to clap after everyone else had stopped.
This season Katie is2 and big enough to need her own seat. So, Katie has not yet been to a game this season. I am sure she would love to take her little brother and her stuffed Wooly to a game.
Lacrosse is great for the whole family, from family priced seating, to Wooly, to the Wild Bunch, to Willie B, to Head Coach Gary Gait, to ALL the amazing players on the Mammoth, what's not to love about the Mammoth? Lacrosse is a fast-paced game sure to entertain the whole family, but best of all the Mammoth are the best team in Lacrosse (according to this Mammoth fan's momma.) This is why we are hoping to win a family four pack, so we can take Katie, the Mammoth fan from before birth, and her brother to a great family event.
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