This was kind of like Spring Break for the kids, because we did a lot of fun things this week. Monday started with lunh at Micky D's and the zoo. Katie, Tj, and I went with Pam, her kids, and her mom. The kids had a good time. Katie went all the way to the top of the climbing thing at McDonal's (with the help of Geovanna). She did really well until they got to the slide then she started crying. Katie even got to walk on her own which I have never let her do before.

Believe me getting her back in the stroller to go through the parking lot was no picnic. The one with Myriah and Katie facing away from the camera is at the polar bears. There was one polar bear walking right in front of them. They loved it. They also got to see the Sea Lion feeding time. TJ was over due for a nap so, he spent some of the day napping in his stroller. All in all it was a successful day. We are going again next month with a new mom's group Pam has joined. I will be their to back her up if they are not nice, but I am sure they will be.
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