Well, as many of you know I took Katie's spring break and went back to Iowa alone with Katie and TJ for a visit. Let's just say it was a learning experience.
I took my 1987 Toyota Camry. Yes, it is old, but it is in prefect working order. . . well, it was in prefect working order. I was maybe an hour from the Nebraska border when my heat gauge sky rocketed. So, I pulled over at the next exit. As soon as I slowed down, the gauge went down. Unsure of what was going on I stopped anyway. Dirt road, nothing in either direction as far as the eye can see, and of course no cell service. After 15 min or so I decide it is safe to go on. I made it to North Platte where I was going to meet my parents for the night.

The next day my dad keeps an eye on the car, but decides everything is fine so, we drive, and drive, and drive, and, the car blows up in Brooklyn, Iowa. Yes, there is a Brooklyn, Iowa. So, I call AAA have the car towed to a near by shop. The kids and I hop in the truck with my parents and sisters for the last hour of the trip.

Everything went fine while we were in Cedar Rapids. I saw every one and Katie got to play with her cousins for a little bit. Above you can see Katie with her cute little cousin Maddilinn. And to the right you can see my cute little cousin with her baby Elijah.

After visiting my Grampa on Sunday we (a 4 car caravan) all stopped for lunch at McDonald's. TJ got a little carried away with his icecream. I couldn't believe how hot and muggy it was that day and we were still in March!!

I had to take a picture of this sign. There are signs like this in quite a few places in Cedar Rapids. If you don't see what is wrong with this picture, you must live in Iowa. I remeber when we saw this sign for the first time last summer. Scott and I really got a kick out of it. It is even better without the Detour sign over it.

I was able to use my Gramma's car while we were in Cedar Rapids. I was sure they would have my car done by Tuesday when we went to Fairfield, but of course they didn't, so here is my beautiful rental car that I had for the southern half of the trip.
While in Fairfield, I stayed withe my super cool cousin Krystle, who I totally forgot to get a picture of.

My little cousin Brandyn has a couple tractors. TJ just loved them he sat on them and turned the wheel. First he wanted to sit on one and then the other, and back to the first. That is of course until my uncle tried to start the Mustang right next to them and he was done!

Katie rode with Brandyn on one though and Brandyn even let her "drive" he says she is not a natural though. lol

Here is my baby cousin feeding her baby, a one month old cow. Now that is a big bottle!

Here is a great picture of the girls (my baby cousin and 2 sisters) "fighting". This was an amazing hit by my baby cousin. I am so glad I timed it right.

Well, the car got us home in one piece. Leaking water all the way home. We took it in when we got here to find out it was the water pump that was defective. I was am a little upset about it, because it was replced in IA, just becuse it had never been replaced before, there was nothing wrong with it. Grr. Although the kids still want to be in the car apparently, they sure are happy to be home.
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