Friday, January 04, 2013

The 21 Days of Organization Chalenge

Here is the list of the 21 Days of Organization Challenge it comes from Holiday Sparkle.
  1. Medicine Cabinet
  2. Coat Closet
  3. Under Beds
  4. Laundry Room
  5. Purse
  6. Under Sinks
  7. Fridge/Freezer
  8. Kitchen Cabinets
  9. Make Up Case- this one will change as I have VERY little makeup (craft area 1)
  10. Bedroom Closet
  11. Garage
  12. Craft Supplies- YIKES!!!
  13. Linen Closet
  14. Backyard
  15. Bedroom Dressers
  16. Jewelery Box- again I will change this one too (craft area 3)
  17. Living room
  18. Attic/Basement- I will just be doing basement
  19. Car
  20. Playroom/Den- again, this one will change (Office)
  21. Enjoy the fruit of your labor
I cannot wait to go through this list and share my results.  I hope to stay on track for the next 21 days.  Let me know if you are playing along at home.  Let's do this thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I have some closets that could use some help for sure!