I was just on my sister's blog. My 10 year old, sister's blog. Now, sure she started it, because I had one, but come on now. I didn't get my first computer until I was almost 12. And I certianly didn't go on the internet with it. I didn't have email or know how to surf the web til I went to college. Sure, we had to type papers in high school, maybe even us the computer in the school libray to look for books or articles for a research paper. I think I remeber when I was about her age working on an Apple. The big block cursor and the green screen. We have 2 games, one math one and one word one. These computers had poor if any graphics. Oregon Trail... ahh the memories. Everyone played Oregon Trail, because that was all there was. Not only are my much younger sisters much more computer literate than we ever were, but look at their video games. My sisters have a GameCube (way better than Xbox, PS2 is ok though) I am happy to say I at least didn't have Pong. I had an Atari (and a few less memorabe systems) and my favorite game was Adventure where you (a square- and I don't mean dork) moved around, picking up objects by running into them, looking for this special urn that changed colors (now that was cool.) Sure your argument my be that times change, technology changes, kids have to change with it. But what ever happened to stick ball?, finding lizards and frogs?, riding bikes?, rolling down hills?, or just going to the park? I have 2 young kids I like to take to the park, but it seems there are very few kids there, but more parks than ever. Wow, I got off on quite the tangent! Anyway, my point being I think a 10 year old is to young to have a blog or me on the internet without a parent over their shoulder. My parents never would have let me do these things, but wait . . . these are my parents.
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