We took our first family vaccation last month. I am just now starting to forget it was a disaster and remeber all the fun times. We went to Glenwood Springs. Only about a 3 hour drive from here, but longer than the kids could handle. We had to stop in Aspen to have lunch at Wendy's, let Katie stretch her legs and feed the baby. I swear the Wendy's in Aspen charges double!! This is where Scott messed up his first of only 3 pairs of pants he brought when Katie smeared ketchup all over his leg. No big deal, we are going to be gone only a couple days and he has 2 more pair, right?
Once we finally arrived in Glenwood Springs it started pouring cats and dogs! Anything we planned on doing that night was ruined. We attempted going to the Caverns that night, but we decided the Gondala ride would be better when we could enjoy the view.
So, we started our vaccation by going to the hotel resturant for dinner. Two entrees were included in our package. So, he had a nice steak and I orderd the crab legs (yummy!) But everything cann't be perfect. TJ started fussing right about the time our dinners came, I think I might have gotten one crab leg in. So I walked back and forth from the hotel lobby to the resturant. Just about the time I have him calmed down and we are heading back I hear Katie coughing and then puking, all over her dad. There goes the second pair of pants. So, I dropped TJ off with his dad and took Katie back to the room to change her. Just as I am getting back to the resturant again Scott has paid and is leaving with TJ. He forgot my baked potato and somehow expected me to eat crab legs by hand. Needless to say, I was pretty hungry that night.
The next day was much better, but not for Scott's pants. At breakfast TJ grabbed daddy's bowl of cereal and dumped it in his lap... there goes the last pair of pants on
ly 18 hours into vaccation.

After getting redressed, we went to the Glenwood Caverns. We always said the next time we went back we would do the wild tour... oh well. Katie was a little scared and wouldn't let daddy put her down. TJ slept through almost all of it. At the very end he woke up pretty hungry and screaming. Caves are not conducive to nursing and having been on the tour before I knew we were almost done and he could wait it out. But some girl (she might have been all of 18) asked if I had food for him, because he sounded hungry.
Really? Genious! Why didn't I think of that, but oh drat, I left my breasts at home. Anyway, the caves were still fun and they now have a gondola that takes you up to them. Last time, they just had buses running up. It was a great view of the mountians and Glenwood Springs. Plus a great place to sit and feed the baby.

After that we had lunch and took our turns getting massages. Ah, that was nice half an hour with no screaming kids. When I got back from my massage TJ was up, but Katie was still sleeping, so I took TJ in the pool to keep him quiet. He loved it!
That night we went to a cute little French American Bistro. Way to nice to take the kids to (we were a little mislead about that,) but they did great. Katie was on her BEST behavior. She barely touched her $6 pizza, but she was good. So, after lunch we took her to the park. She had a great time swinging and throwing gravel. She screamed "Ye Haw" on the spring horse. That might have been her favorite part of the whole trip.
The last day was hot springs day, I don't think we realized what a short day that would be. Sure the kids had fun, for a little while, but they got bored awfully fast. Live and learn right. Neither of us could do any swiming either, because we each had to hold one of them all the time. There was a wadding pool Katie got to go in by herself, but she couldn't move in it with out falling down.
So, then had some GREAT pizza and we headed home. The kids slept the whole way home. I then made Katie's birthday cake and we celebrated with our small group.
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