Yes, it is true. I chased a stray Lab across the neighborhood yelling "Eme, Eme, Come here Eme!" But alas, Eme was in the back yard. My neighbor across the street came over and to tell me our dog was out. She offered to watch the kids while I was putting on my sandals to grab her. She was on anoter neighbors porch, but as I got closer she took off, her collar looked a little blue, must be my imagination. She was off around the corner toward the big street... I got her now, all the cars scare her. Nope, she went straight. Now I have to run to keep up with her, the sandals are not cutting it, off they go. Some old man is standing in his yard just watching, thanks for helpping guy. She gets to a house with a dog in the back yard and decides to stop to bark at it, that's my Eme, or is it? Is that a tail? Yes, Eme grew a tail? Oh my goodness, I am chasing the wrong dog through the neighborhood!!!!!!!! I tried to get close enough to grab it's collar and take it home, but it wasn't going to have any of that. So, sandals go back on and I walk back home. I get home tell my neighbor it's not my dog, we have a good laugh and she goes home. That's when it happens... I am still in my pjs. Yes, the whole neighborhood saw my piggie shorts.
A huge cloud of witnesses is all around us. So let us throw off everything that stands in our way. Let us throw off any sin that holds on to us so tightly. Let us keep on running the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1
Friday, July 29, 2005
Why we put ourselves down
Ok, so I was lying in bed last night wondering why a smart girl, like me, thinks she is so dumb. Is it society telling me men are smarter… uh no. Is it that I really am dumb… 116 IQ, don’t think so. Am I telling myself I am dumb, well… obviously, but why? So he is what I came up with. When I was younger, although I was smart I surrounded myself with even smarter people. My husband for example is probably the most current and obvious (he’s a freaking rocket scientist!) In Honors English, I should have stuck out and gone through III, and IV. I let the teacher in II think I was too dumb to continue. Just because I was a C student she thought I would do better in “regular” English, and I did, but since my sophomore year in high school I haven’t learned anything new in English, but at least I got As right? I would have rather gotten Cs and learned something. Math, I was in an advanced class in 2nd grade, but the whole time I thought I was being sent to another class, because I was not as smart as the other kids in my class. It wasn’t until YEARS later that my parents finally told me I was actually in an advanced class. And then there is the ever-famous college situation. I sit here talking to you today, the not so proud owner of an Associates Degree in Animal Technology from the best Vet Tech school in the country. Why am I not proud of 4 years of hard work? One, it wasn’t THAT hard, but moreover I also sit here with 3 years towards my Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry. If you are wondering, that IS hard. And so I copped out. An easy associates degree and I am a vet tech, who needs to worry about getting into CSU and work on my DVM when I can chicken sh*t out and still get a job in the field? So, those are my thoughts today. That will probably be the topic of next months poll. Should I return to school?
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
New features
Hey, I have added a couple things to my blog and just wanted to draw attention to them. First off I just added a guest map. Check it out on the left hand side, you can see where different people a viewing my page from and put your pin in the mix too. Second I have a new mini poll. There will be a new one up for August. Suggestions for the next poll are more than welcome.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Lil' sis's debut
This is a song my little sister wrote the other day. Imagine it as a country song. I think she is going to go far in music, but I might be a little biased. Here it is:
I'm sittin here tonight
Thinkin about you
I wish you were with me now (o yeah)
I've been wounderin for, years and years
And now I just gotta know
Do you need someone to pull upwhen you fall down
Do you need someone to help you solve your problems
Baby I'm your friend you can depend on
I'm gunna stand by your side
I'll help you when your in trouble
When your with me you'll always be safe’
Cause Baby I love you and I don't know why,I don't know why
Now you know how I feel
I'm yours for the takinI promise you'll be in my heart, forever
There is no one I’d rather be with than you But baby I gotta know
Baby your makin my head spinaround and around
I’m fallin faster and fasterInto your game a loveBaby
I just need to knowIf you love me too
Chorus B
aby I can be your everything
Gotta knowGotta know
Baby I gotta knowDo you love--me--too
I'm sittin here tonight
Thinkin about you
I wish you were with me now (o yeah)
I've been wounderin for, years and years
And now I just gotta know
Do you need someone to pull upwhen you fall down
Do you need someone to help you solve your problems
Baby I'm your friend you can depend on
I'm gunna stand by your side
I'll help you when your in trouble
When your with me you'll always be safe’
Cause Baby I love you and I don't know why,I don't know why
Now you know how I feel
I'm yours for the takinI promise you'll be in my heart, forever
There is no one I’d rather be with than you But baby I gotta know
Baby your makin my head spinaround and around
I’m fallin faster and fasterInto your game a loveBaby
I just need to knowIf you love me too
Chorus B
aby I can be your everything
Gotta knowGotta know
Baby I gotta knowDo you love--me--too
Ok, here is the study I am going through for my next study from the book of Zephaniah. Apparently, I am on an obscure prophets kick. Feel free to study it with me. I would love to hear your comments. As always I will have my notes up when I finish the study.
Monday, July 25, 2005
My Home Improvements
Well, here is a picture of the new blinds. They look really great. Scott put them in Friday night. Didn't he do a great job? They are a little pinker than I was expecting, but it is hard to tell with the little picture on a computer screen. I love the top down bottom up feature. You can see that in the picture on the right. That wasy I can open the sides at the top when I have the widows open. I could tell the first day that they were keeping the house cooler in the morning. That early morning sun is killer in there. Plus the whole world can't see in at night.
Here is the new garage door. Notice the opener on the inside picture. That will be great after the mudjacker is done next week and I can actually park in there. The garage door guy did a very good job. We got more than we expected. It is a very insulated door and as hot as it has been, I can really tell a differance in the temperature in there. I just LOVE the windows. I am so glad I talked Scott into getting them. They make it possible to run to the freezer real quick without having to turn a light on.
The mudjacker comes on Monday, so I will have before and after pictures late next week. Scott is working on the overhead lights too so I will have pictures of that soon as well. Katie's room was just finished last night. All that is left is hanging the 2 fans.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
The best little girl in the world
Katie is currently bouncing her bunny on the ground. She loves her bunny. She is so cute. TJ is giving mommy a break by taking a very long nap and Scott is biking over at Apex. So, it is just me and the girl cleaning the house and trying to stay cool. It looks like we will be unable to go to Ren Fest tomarrow. :-( It looks like Scott will have to drum, which means I have no excuse not to work the nursery. Grr! I guess that pushes Ren Fest to next weekend and we will have to Move the band greek reunion. Phill, you are not my favorite person right now, but neither is Jack so, don't feel too bad.
Friday, July 22, 2005
FNA me baby, one more time
Ok, so I talked to my endocrinologist this morning and the tests came back inconclusive, because of insuficiant sample. Of the sample the did have tough there was no cancerous materal. So, I need to make an appointment to go in for another FNA sometime soon. As of right now, everything looks ok. I did get a little sleep last night, although it took a while. I will keep you informed.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Lack of Cyst News
So, while we were out on a family bike ride today the doctor called back and left a message for me to return his call tomarrow. I am totally freaking out. One, that it came back so fast and two, that he wants me to call back and didn't just say "your tests came back normal." So, now I somehow have to get some sleep tonight while I am freaking out about this. Had he not left a message and just called back tomarrow, I wouldn't be worring. Isn't that fast for lab results? I went in LATE yesterday. I dropped off my sample at the lab at 4:30 that's about 24 hours. That never happens. Agh! I need to read all my worry passages now instead of typing, but I thought if I got my thoughts out I would feel better. I don't. I might even feel worse. Am I thinking too much? I just wish I was here when he called the first time. Stupid bike ride. Scott says this is exactly what happened last time too. I think I would remember freaking like this and results coming back so quickly. I need some serious no worring prayer, trust in God prayer or whatever you like along those lines. It is all in the Lord's hands, I just have to learn to trust. Maybe it's pacience I am suposed to be learning. Ever feel like you could pass the test if you just knew what you were being taught? Ok, well, this isn't helping, so, I am going to see if hubby needs help getting the kids to bed. PRAY! Please!
Latest Cyst News
Well, I just returned from the doctor. I won't really know anything new until my biopsy comes back in 10 bussiness days. He removed 4cc of fluid and some soild matter from the other masses. Hey, better than last time (he removed 7cc then) had I gotten in a couple weeks ago when I called I am sure I could have hit 10cc. It was SO huge. Anyway, it hurt tons, but I survived. When on the forth time in he said "One more pass, is that ok?" It was very hard not to say no and run screaming out of the room. It was only a 25 gauge needle, but I swear it felt like a 18. Anyway, now we play the waiting game.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Birth Announcment
My wonderful friend Shannon just had her first little girl on Thurs. Her name is Katherine Rae and she is gorgous! Mommy is doing great and even wanted to go ahead with her baby shower that was plannned on Saturday. They make a wonderful family. Congratulations guys!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Healthy kids
I am happy to report both of the kids are tall and skinny, but otherwise in good health. TJ is 26" and Katie is 34". They are both in the 72% for height. TJ weighs 15lbs 17% and Katie...I don't remember, but she is in the 25%. They were a hit at the docs office both days though. I am also happy to report that the crazy nurse that I don't get along with must have been on vaccation, because I didn't see her once. That was a relief. It looks like the kids are doing most of the things they should be doing and progressing nicely. Katie's nurse was so excited and though she was so cute, she said Katie made her day and she was going to tell her husband about her. I am glad they were such a hit. And they were both little angels both days. TJ was not so excited about getting shots and Katie would have rather the doctor didn't check her mouth, but other than that everything was great!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
TJ is 6 months today!
TJ is going in for his 6 month check up today. Katie is going in tomarrow. Why you ask... one word... Kaiser. I made the mistake of asking if I could get them in at "the same time" so, low and behold when I got the conformation sheet, they were at the same time alright. On different days! Grrr! Have I mentioned I hate Kaiser? As if that wasn't bad enough this means I cannot request another nurse to give TJ his shots, because I will have to have her deal with Katie tomarrow. Oh, you haven't heard about pscyho nurse? Better leave that for another post. Lets just say she needs to retire and not be giving my children any more shots. I can not wait to see how much bigger he has gotten. He is such a cutie pie. I got his 6 month pic take for his book today. Last Friday I had his 6 month and Katie's 2 year pics done professionally. They turned out ok. She deleted some of the ones I really liked though. Why do they do that? Then she leaves this really stupid one that was way off center! There is one lady at Sears that I try to get when I go in, but it is usually luck of the draw. She is in her 30's maybe, but she is great with the kids and gets great pics. I like Sears for pics, not sure if I will stay there though when my smiles saver card is up, it seems that Penny's usually has better deals going on. I don't know where the closest Penny's is though.
I am getting so excited for our new door. Just a couple more days. I hope it looks really nice. It will be so nice to park in the garage, especially in this weather. Speaking of this weather, I better go open the car doors so it isn't frying when we leave for the Dr.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Just because I can not get enough of them... here are more pics of the kids! Above are both of my angels together. Katie just LOVES getting to hold her little brother. TJ on the other hand, well, let's just say he could live without it. He will tolerate it long enough for a quick snap shot.
One the right you see TJ lying on the floor. He is rolling everywhere now. See how much happier he is when his sister is NOT holding him? On the left you see Katie pointing at the camera. Not sure why, and when I don't know why she is doing something, I say it is because she is 2. Notice the speaker she nocked over in the background? Oh, what fun 2 year olds can be.
One the right you see TJ lying on the floor. He is rolling everywhere now. See how much happier he is when his sister is NOT holding him? On the left you see Katie pointing at the camera. Not sure why, and when I don't know why she is doing something, I say it is because she is 2. Notice the speaker she nocked over in the background? Oh, what fun 2 year olds can be.
Blessings of the home
What should I talk about today? How about blessings! We are currently being very blessed in the home department. Last week we had the outside faucet in the front fixed, so now we can water the front lawn. Our next blessing comes on Thursday when we are getting a new garage door and opener installed. Plus, I am having blinds made for the bay window, as the morning sun is killer in this weather. I amost forgot, Scott is going to be staining the deck soon too. So, we are very blessed to be able to do these things now as the last thing we were able to do on the house was the deck and that was around Katie's birthday LAST year. I always get so excited when something new is done to the house. Improvments to your house are so usefully everyday, not just a play thing. I think the home is such an expresion of yourself and your family. I will be sure to post pictures of the new door when it gets put up.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
The Evil that is 3 Day Blinds
Service is getting rediculous, or else I am just getting old and grumpy. Case in point. Two weeks ago today, we went to 3 Day Blinds to get blinds for the bay window, because the morning sun is baking the house. Everything was fine I got help deciding what we would like and getting colors picked out (although I am pretty sure I did't get all the swatches I asked for). They said if we were in a hurry a sales person could come out and measure, otherwise an installed would call in a couple days and come measure. Being in no hurry, we chose the latter. Outside of getting lost, because he was given the wrong street name by the office, the installer was nice, courdous and professional, he even informed me where the edges of the blinds would be (as it is a bay window they can not cover all the molding). He said as he was leaving that he would drop off the measurements at the end of the day and they would have them in the office by 10 am the next day. No problem, the last day of the sale, I can still get the free upgrade! By the afternoon I still haven't heard anything, so I called the office. They lost my measurments, but don't worry they will hold the sale price for me and call tomarrow. Well, then we left for the wedding and I forgot to take the number with me. At some point while we were gone they did call and leave a message saying they were still looking for the measurments. How long does it take to look for measurments? I call first thing Tues (Mon was the 4th) and she says they still haven't found them she wants to look in one more place (it has been a week now and she wants to look in one more place!?!?) and if she doesn't find them then she will send someone out that day. 6:30 rolls around and I told Scott they were out and we were going with someone else when the phone rings. The sales rep said she would come out before work and be there at 9:45 if that didn't get me out of bed to early (what am I nocturnal?) so I proceded to give her directions since the first guy got lost, because he had the wrong address. A quarter after 10 I call Scott and tell him BIG suprise- no show. Shortly after hanging up wiht him, the phone rings and I just knew it was her. Not feeling like dealing with her, I didn't anwser. After "oh, sorry mapquest got me lost in another neighborhood" she starts talking to someone in the background and hangs up. REAL professional let me tell you. THEN 10 min later, she just shows up on my stoop. Thinking I wasn't even there. So, she takes measurments (the tape measure was SO croocked) and then asks what color I want like I am going to order right then and there without getting prices. Heard nothing back the rest of the day. Finally I called AGAIN the next morning and asked if my quotes were ready again I didn't get a call back until the afternoon.
Needless to say, we took our own measurments and did some calling around. I found one great company that acctually was helpful and gave me a quote without "we'll work these numbers and call you right back." Plus they were 25% less. We have to install them ourselves, but it is way worth it for the better service. I am going to Denver Window Coverings for all my window coverings from now on. Forget this 3 Day Blind stuff, try 3 Week Blind.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
The 4th
We spent last night at the top of a quarry a friend's boyfriend? works at. We could see fireworks from Castlerock all the way up to Thorton. It was awsome. But there was something even more amazing... stars. It sickened me that my daughter first learned the word stars only last night. We think she understood what we were talking about, but who knows? We know she saw the fireworks though. She screamed delighted as she leaned on a rock almost as tall as she was with her little friends. She has no fear. We later went down and lit some legal fireworks. She had NO fear. Even being that close with all the noise she just loved it. Her older friend was clinging to his parents like there was no tomarrow. And little TJ... what a trooper. With all the noise he of course woke up. He just sat there is our arms totally motionless, expressionless, just starring at the fireworks. Too young to even realize he should be scared.
Last night has me thinking about light polution though. There is nothing that can be done about it. With mandatory light restrictions we would no longer have any hood ornaments (please tell me someone got that reference) But last night to look to the west and directly overhead and see all the stars, but then to see them fade as you looked west and eventually just turn into a pink glare as your eyes hit the horizion. It was just a little sad. Now you all know why I long to move back into the mountians and out of the city. Look out Glenwood, here we come.
The Wedding
Well, we have returned. It wasn't as thrown together as they had made it sound. There was a lot still left to the last minute, but everything worked out in the end. The wedding was beautiful, my new step sister did a wonderful job of sining, and our new step-brother and sister-in-law made it JUST in the nick of time. The hoe down went well too. It could have gone a little quicker, there was a lot of waiting, but I guess that is normal for a wedding. I nearly strangled my siater when she cut in on the ONLY slow song. What is up with only ONE slow song at a wedding anyway?
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