Thursday, July 21, 2005

Lack of Cyst News

So, while we were out on a family bike ride today the doctor called back and left a message for me to return his call tomarrow. I am totally freaking out. One, that it came back so fast and two, that he wants me to call back and didn't just say "your tests came back normal." So, now I somehow have to get some sleep tonight while I am freaking out about this. Had he not left a message and just called back tomarrow, I wouldn't be worring. Isn't that fast for lab results? I went in LATE yesterday. I dropped off my sample at the lab at 4:30 that's about 24 hours. That never happens. Agh! I need to read all my worry passages now instead of typing, but I thought if I got my thoughts out I would feel better. I don't. I might even feel worse. Am I thinking too much? I just wish I was here when he called the first time. Stupid bike ride. Scott says this is exactly what happened last time too. I think I would remember freaking like this and results coming back so quickly. I need some serious no worring prayer, trust in God prayer or whatever you like along those lines. It is all in the Lord's hands, I just have to learn to trust. Maybe it's pacience I am suposed to be learning. Ever feel like you could pass the test if you just knew what you were being taught? Ok, well, this isn't helping, so, I am going to see if hubby needs help getting the kids to bed. PRAY! Please!

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