Well, Christmas 2005 is over and we survived... mostly. We spent Christmas Eve with his Grandma, Grammie, Mom, and Brother. I made home-made pizza, we talked, opened presents, & watched a DVD I made for his Grandmas. After his mom, Grammie, & brother left we took his Grandma to church. With the exception of Brian sleeping away the day on the couch (he was very sick) the day was uneventful.
Then there was Christmas ... oh boy! Scott and TJ were the only 2 up so, Scott had TJ in on the bathroom floor while he took a shower. TJ decided he needed one too and came right in... head first. 7:30 bruised head, but no big deal. Eventually Katie woke up, not in the best mood, but she is not a morning person. The kids opened presents and it was very nice. 9:30ish I go to take the turkey out of the fridge (it took it out of the freezer Thursday) I want to get it stuffed and into the oven around 10:00. It was still frozen! AGH! MY FIRST CHRISTMAS RUINED!!! It wasn't frozen through, but it was frozen enough I couldn't get the giblets out. So, we gave the turkey a hot bath. Around 10:00 TJ went down for his nap so we took Katie outside to ride her
new bike. She was having fun and her and daddy were picking up pebbles out in the cul-d-sac, when . . . she fell over her own feet and scraped up her head. Got her cleaned up took the bird out of the "hot tub" threw it in the oven was working on biscuits and a friend calls. TJ is crying, but he is just fussing Grandma has him his fine right? Wrong! I get the phone thrown at me because TJ's lip is busted open. He fell on their new folding table and bit his lip on both sides, so there is just a ton of blood and we can't tell if he bit all the way through it. Anyway, although there was talk of taking him to the ER everything after that point turned out fine. My first Christmas dinner was wonderful. Scott says it was the best stuffing he has ever had and that he was going to comment that I shouldn't put fruit in my stuffing, but with the bird half frozen he wasn't that dumb. I made turkey, stuffing, pasta salad, broccoli salad, green beans, and scallion biscuits with birthday cake for desert. His grandma, dad, step-mom, step-sister, and Katie's god-parents were there. We had a good time.
Then yesterday we went down to my parents. Completely uneventful day, very nice actually, until we tried to leave. They waved up back, because there was a big puddle of oil under where the car was sitting. It only took them a few minutes to figure out the the problem was that Scott never put the cap back on when he filled it up the other day. Add a half a quart of oil screw on the cap and we are good to go right? AAAHH! Of course not! Now the interior lights won't come on. So, the entire trip home Scott is periodically checking the speedometer with a flash light.
Is it over now? NO!! This morning (6:45) Eme is scratching at the baby gate and whining. A sure sign she is not going to make it until "out time" so, I get out of bed to let her out and Diamond is puking all over the kitchen floor with... well never mind. Anyway, 20 minutes later when everything is cleaned up I call the vet and set him up an appointment. $224 and they still don't know what is wrong with him. I was supposed to get a call this afternoon with the results from his $115 blood panel, but I haven't heard anything yet.All in all, it was a good holiday, but I think next year we may have to cancel Christmas for the health of our family.
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