A huge cloud of witnesses is all around us. So let us throw off everything that stands in our way. Let us throw off any sin that holds on to us so tightly. Let us keep on running the race marked out for us.
Hebrews 12:1
I took Katie to the parade of lights Friday night with Chase and his mom. The kids really enjoyed it and I did too. I have never been to a big city parade before. It was a lot of fun. There were so many people there. These were some of my favorite floats. They did an amazing job on the nativity float. When I played Mary I didn't get to ride on a float, I had to ride a smelly donkey. One of my favorites was a Looney Tune train that was going into a tunnel and in the tunnel was Wile E. Coyote. There were a lot of high school bands too. It was fun to see how they decorated their instruments. Most of them were not playing when they passed us though. But we got to hear some great drum lines. I would like to take Scott and TJ next year. I am glad we took the light rail, the streets were packed. I have never had to wait on a train so long though. We got in the stroller line and watched 4 trains go by before we could get on one. Can't wait til next year. Merry Christmas!
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