Thursday, December 29, 2005

My blog for church

His Lighthouse
This is a site I am trying to set up for missions at my church. A place for missionaries to tell supporters what is going on, ask for prayers, and whre I can mediate between mission oppertunities I hear about and possible missionaries. Go to this site and not knowing anything about it I would like to know what you think. Does it portray what I am trying to get across, look proffesssional, clean, easy to navigate, ect. I am pitching it at church next week. Any coments or sugestions before I take it in to them would be great.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas 2005

Well, Christmas 2005 is over and we survived... mostly. We spent Christmas Eve with his Grandma, Grammie, Mom, and Brother. I made home-made pizza, we talked, opened presents, & watched a DVD I made for his Grandmas. After his mom, Grammie, & brother left we took his Grandma to church. With the exception of Brian sleeping away the day on the couch (he was very sick) the day was uneventful.
Then there was Christmas ... oh boy! Scott and TJ were the only 2 up so, Scott had TJ in on the bathroom floor while he took a shower. TJ decided he needed one too and came right in... head first. 7:30 bruised head, but no big deal. Eventually Katie woke up, not in the best mood, but she is not a morning person. The kids opened presents and it was very nice. 9:30ish I go to take the turkey out of the fridge (it took it out of the freezer Thursday) I want to get it stuffed and into the oven around 10:00. It was still frozen! AGH! MY FIRST CHRISTMAS RUINED!!! It wasn't frozen through, but it was frozen enough I couldn't get the giblets out. So, we gave the turkey a hot bath. Around 10:00 TJ went down for his nap so we took Katie outside to ride her new bike. She was having fun and her and daddy were picking up pebbles out in the cul-d-sac, when . . . she fell over her own feet and scraped up her head. Got her cleaned up took the bird out of the "hot tub" threw it in the oven was working on biscuits and a friend calls. TJ is crying, but he is just fussing Grandma has him his fine right? Wrong! I get the phone thrown at me because TJ's lip is busted open. He fell on their new folding table and bit his lip on both sides, so there is just a ton of blood and we can't tell if he bit all the way through it. Anyway, although there was talk of taking him to the ER everything after that point turned out fine. My first Christmas dinner was wonderful. Scott says it was the best stuffing he has ever had and that he was going to comment that I shouldn't put fruit in my stuffing, but with the bird half frozen he wasn't that dumb. I made turkey, stuffing, pasta salad, broccoli salad, green beans, and scallion biscuits with birthday cake for desert. His grandma, dad, step-mom, step-sister, and Katie's god-parents were there. We had a good time.
Then yesterday we went down to my parents. Completely uneventful day, very nice actually, until we tried to leave. They waved up back, because there was a big puddle of oil under where the car was sitting. It only took them a few minutes to figure out the the problem was that Scott never put the cap back on when he filled it up the other day. Add a half a quart of oil screw on the cap and we are good to go right? AAAHH! Of course not! Now the interior lights won't come on. So, the entire trip home Scott is periodically checking the speedometer with a flash light.
Is it over now? NO!! This morning (6:45) Eme is scratching at the baby gate and whining. A sure sign she is not going to make it until "out time" so, I get out of bed to let her out and Diamond is puking all over the kitchen floor with... well never mind. Anyway, 20 minutes later when everything is cleaned up I call the vet and set him up an appointment. $224 and they still don't know what is wrong with him. I was supposed to get a call this afternoon with the results from his $115 blood panel, but I haven't heard anything yet.
All in all, it was a good holiday, but I think next year we may have to cancel Christmas for the health of our family.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Goofballs

My Grampa made this cradle for me when I was living in FL, so I must have been 6 or so. My mom gave it to me not that long ago and Katie never played with it to much it was more storage for her stuffed animals. So, I took a box I used for the clothes she grew out of one side of the closet and by the time I was back up stairs she was playing in the closet. I decided then that we could put the cradle in there as the "babies room".

Then one night we were watching a movie we rented ans Scott got up to check on the kids... "Honey, you have to come see this." And there were both of my little goofballs sitting in the cradle in the closet.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Wide World of Baby Wrestling

Welcome to the Wide World of baby wrestling. The best way to keep crazy screaming children under control during the busy holiday season is to throw them over your shoulder and tickle them.

If that doesn't work, go with the baby slam to the couch followed by rasberries to any expossed skin. This procedure should give mother enough time to wrap a couple more presents. (And yes all my posts will be red & green this month.)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas humor

I received this in a forward, which I usually delete without reading so STOP sending them! Anyway, I liked this one and thought I would share.

This is the time of year when we think back to the very first Christmas, when the Three Wise Men; Gaspar, Balthazar and Hiram, went to see the baby Jesus and, according to the Book of Matthew, "presented unto Him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh." These are simple words, but if we analyze them carefully, we discover an important, yet often overlooked, theological fact: There is no mention of wrapping paper. If there had been wrapping paper, Matthew would have said so: "And lo, the gifts were inside 600 square cubits of paper. And the paper was festooned with pictures of Frosty the Snowman. And Joseph was going to throweth it away, but Mary saideth unto him, she saideth, 'Holdeth it! That is nice paper! Saveth it for next year!' And Joseph did rolleth his eyeballs. And the baby Jesus was more interested in the paper than the frankincense." But these words do not appear in the Bible, which means that the very first Christmas gifts were NOT wrapped. This is because the people giving those gifts had two important characteristics:
1. They were wise.
2. They were men.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I sit here waiting for a list of missionary addesses to send out Christmas cards. Of course the frusterating part is I asked for them a week and a half ago and sent a "friendly reminder" Friday. I was so excited to send out Christmas cards to the missionaries, but now I am counting down the days and knowing I am not going to have time to get these done in time unless I get those addresses SOON. I have 81 stamps 45 cards on my work table, but no one to send them to. On a possitive note, I finally got all MY mailing done this morning. The nice woman at the post office even said "have a nice Christmas" not happy holigrrr. Did I tell you the lady I gave the microwave said "happy holidays" as she was walking out and I nearly tackled her and took the microwave back. 96% of Americans celebrate Christmas, but golly, let's not offend someone in the friggin' 4%. If someone wished me a happy Haunakah I woundn't flip, I can hardly imagine someone else would, but grr don't wish me a Happy Holiday unless you want a foot up your hinie. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Parade of Lights

I took Katie to the parade of lights Friday night with Chase and his mom. The kids really enjoyed it and I did too. I have never been to a big city parade before. It was a lot of fun. There were so many people there. These were some of my favorite floats. They did an amazing job on the nativity float. When I played Mary I didn't get to ride on a float, I had to ride a smelly donkey. One of my favorites was a Looney Tune train that was going into a tunnel and in the tunnel was Wile E. Coyote. There were a lot of high school bands too. It was fun to see how they decorated their instruments. Most of them were not playing when they passed us though. But we got to hear some great drum lines. I would like to take Scott and TJ next year. I am glad we took the light rail, the streets were packed. I have never had to wait on a train so long though. We got in the stroller line and watched 4 trains go by before we could get on one. Can't wait til next year. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Our Christmas Tree

We had our Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. Scott had his first experience with Black Friday buying this tree. He was at Linens and Things at 5 minutes til 6. They opened at 6 and he got the very last one. It was worth it though. It is beautiful and I just love it. I finally got it all decorated last week. Although, I prefer angels on the top of a tree, we had to get a star. Katie loves stars. She points to all the ornaments and tells you what they are, Simpsons, apple, star, it is very cute. I have the presents in the very back corner so they can not get to them, but just the other night TJ to a cruise around the tree, under all the branches. He didn't even look at the presents he just wanted to crawl under the tree. So much for keeping them out of the kid's reach. You can tell I don't have any ornaments on the bottom branches either. TJ chewed on the tree the first day we had it up. Good thing it isn't real!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Toddler Tub Tune

Splish splash, I was taking a bathLong about a Saturday night
A rub dub, just splashing in the tub
Momma was getting wet alright

My Little Reader

Here is the Bear reading again. They told me when i picked her up from the nursey after church that she just sat there and read books most of the time. She is going to be so smart with all this reading.


Look at this little boy, standing like it is no big deal. He even stands for a couple seconds all on his own. No steps yet, but it won't be long now!

Baby Brother for Sale

For Sale
By Shel Silverstein
One sister for sale!
One sister for sale!
One crying and spying young sister for sale!
I'm really not kidding,
So who will start the bidding?
Do I hear a dollar?
A nickle?
A penny?
Oh, isn't there, isn't there, isn't there any
One kid who will buy this old sister for sale,
This crying and spying young sister for sale?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Pie auction Follow up

Click on the link below to read all about this year's pie auction.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Janie!!
We love you!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My International Travel

Well, I have been to 4 countries: Spain, France, England, & Turkey. My frist trip was to Spain. It was my senior year and we went during spring break. I worked a year and a half to go (also saving for college). I loved it! I am still friends with one of the girls I went with. (Hey Meg!) I love Spain so much I would love to do a long term mission there. The latter half of our trip we spent in Paris, not my favorite place in the world. The people working in the hotle we stayed at told my friend (who was living in Germany at the time and was going to come for a visit) that the Americans had already left. I addmit I did love the Louve, and the Chateu de grr I forget. Anywho, if it wasn't for scott wanting to go I would never go back there. Then about 9 months after we got married Scott and I went on a mission trip to Turkey. We had a 26 hour layover in London when we packed in a ton of sight seeing very quickly. And truth be told I did fall off a double decker bus. Turkey was so beautiful. We were expecting a desert but we saw some very lush, beautiful country side. I hope to do a lot more travel, but for now there is nothing coming up.
Well, that brings us to my next question: What 3 instruments do I play?

Pie Social

Well, the pie social is less than a week away and I am prepared! The band Thanksgiving dinner was Tuesday night and Scott came back telling me everyone was expecting me to make pies. My ledgend is getting a little out of hand. Someone said I make 20 pies every year! Now granted every year I seem to make more than the year before, but I have NEVER made 20! I love making the pies and seeing if your pie goes for the most money, that is always fun. For the first time last year one of my pies was the high price pie $140 I think and I think it was the Key Lime, but I am not sure. I love bidding on the pies too. Peter and I usually have a show down for the rhubarb. Anyway, this year I am making, Key Lime, Coconut, Pineapple, Butterscotch, Cranberry, and Sweet Potato. I try to stear clear of Pumpkin and apple, because EVERYONE brings pumpkin and apple. Although I did make a grated apple with a struddle topping last year that was very good. Anyway, I am very excited about the Pie social, it is my favorite thing about Thanksgiving. (That and mom's stuffing and broccoli salad)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sicko kids and vaccation

Well, my vaccation began at 2:00 this afternoon. So far, I have gone to the store and made 2 pumpkin pies. Whoo Hoo! The kids are sick. TJ is taking it better than Katie. He just wants nothing to do with Kleenx. Katie on the other hand is getting up many times during the night and being a big fussy butt during the day. I hope they get over this quick as dad is leaving for CA next week and he always brings something home with him. Maybe their immune system will be all built up and they won't get sick. I am very excited about my time off. I will be doing a lot of baking and shopping and visiting friends and relaxing. To bad Scott will be gone for part of it. I hope I can get this house clean, but I am not going to put money on it.

Double full moon

Sour Cream Noodle Bake

This recepie came out of Packwood. We tried it for the first time last night. YUM!! Just thought I would share! If you have a Packwood refere to page 176, if you don't have a Packwood, GET ONE!
1 (8oz) pkg med egg noodles 1 c cottage cheese
1 lb groud beef 1 c sour cream
1 (8oz) tomato sauce 1/2 c chopped green onion
1 t salt 3/4 c coarsly grated cheddar cheese
1/4 Garlic Salt

Cook noodles and mix with onion, cottage cheese, and sour cream. Brown hamburger, add salt, garlic salt, and tomato sauce, simmer for 5 min. In a 2 qt casserole dish layer half noodle mixture, then half meat mixture (repeat). Bake at 350 for 25 min top with cheddar cheese and cook another 5 min. YUM!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Happy Holidays

After tomarrow I have one week and 3 days off for the holiday. I am so ready for a break. I think I will try to visit friends and maybe take the kids to the zoo. I can hardly wait. Call me if you want to get together!! Yeah, so much fun!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Nobody knows

Well, nobody knows how many brothers and sisters I have including step and in-law. Which is fine, because as you may recall . . . I didn't either. Obvioulsy, I have 2 full blood VERY young sisters. Then I have one cookey brother-in-law. Then comes the trickey part, I have 4 Stepbrothers/sister in-law. I remebered the 3 living at home, but forgot the older one in CA. So, anyway that is a grand total of 7 brothers and sisters including step and in law. The next question is rather simple, what county have I visited?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Oh, how we love our big Cottonwood. In the summer it gives us much needed shade in the evening in the spring and winter we get to watch the birds and squrils that call our tree home and even in the fall it gives us a HUGE pile of leaves to bury the kids in. Right now they are too little to jump in, but they loved being buried by all the leaves as we raked. Even Eme enjoyed bedding down in our big pile. As we head towards Thanksgiving I give thanks for the little moments like these.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

October Poll Results

It seems we love all the Sesame Street charaters. Cookie Monster did come out slightly ahead of the others though. I will keep that one around for another time. This month there will be a new quiz every week. This series of questions is to see how well you know me. The full quiz is avalible on bebo and I can email it to you if you like. This week the question is how many brothers and sisters do I have? Sounds easy enough right? Well, when I made up the quiz on bebo I even got it wrong. Next week I will have a new question and give you the anwser to this one.

Technologically Savy

Ok, so after months of trying to figure out why I could no longer download my books from Audible I finally checked my firewall and therein lie the problem. My stupid firewall was blocking the download of my books. I have now successfully downloaded the second half of 1984 and Oliver Twist, now to finish downloading all the other books I bought in the last couple months.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A Zoo at my house

Here is my little giraffe and tiger. Yes, my tiger is eating his stripes and my giraffe is trying to rip off her head. Not only that I had to bribe my tiger not to crawl off by giving him a ball. Not the most coroperative zoo animals you ever did see. Below left we have what I call "The Lion, the Witch, and the Katie." And lower right we have TJ pulling on Katie's Tail. "What happens when you pull this thing?" TJ slept through most of Halloween night, but Katie did quite a bit of trick or treating. The first house she turned to me and said "Mommy, Candy!" She wanted it right then and there. She was starting to get the hang of it by the end of the evening. Hope you had a wonderful Halloween!

My Haunted "Mansion"

I love decorating for Halloween! Here is our final product last night before I took Katie trick-or-treating. You really need sound to get the full effect (I had my cd player going with chains, and cats ect.) Int the bushes to the right I had my huge spider web and my new blinking skull. There was more "Caution" tape on the garage door and, did you notice? I put a reb blub in the porch light. It is a little cutsie, but Kaite loves that pinwheel in the yard. That one is new this year too. I love decorating!

Our Awsome Pumpkins

Here are our cute pumpkins! They were so fun! Scott and TJ did the smiley face and Katie and I did the pirate skull. I think they turned out really good. Best of all no one smashed them last night so I am going to light them up again tonight. I am very proud of my skull. It took me longer than it took Scott to do his, but I love it. Unfortunatley though, when it in not lite, you can not tell what it is, oh well.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Why the slow blogging last week?

Did you miss me last week? Not if you live in Iowa you didn't! Wednesday I was just sitting around doing my thing. (FYI- my thing is changing diapers) When all of a sudden the gal I babysit for came to pick up her boy and told me how she couldn't afford to fly to IA for her grandma's funeral and was thinking about driving and asked if I wanted to come along. So, I quite litterally dropped everything called Scott, who said "of course, go. I know how important it is to you that your grandparents meet the kids." called my Gramma said I was on the way, and threw together our bags. I had less than two hours from the time she walked in my door until we were on the road. Not such a crazy thing to do on my own, but with the kids! We had an uneventful drive out. I was able to see everyone except my aunt Nita and her family, because they were sick and my uncle Dennis and his family, because they were in Floridia. It was a quick trip, but I was so glad everyone got to meet the kids. We will be back in June for my cousin's wedding. Not my favorite season to be in Iowa, but oh well. The drive back was far worse, as my traveling buddy didn't feel up to doing the through the night thing again especially with all the deer we saw. But we survived. Katie was being a pill as she only got one nap while we were their thanks to my cousins wonderful wife who Katie adores! Plus we got a picture of all my Gramma's Great grandkids. Anyway, I am back!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Carey calls Last Comic Standing crooked

Did anyone see this episode about a year or two ago. Even though we absolutely LOVE this show and never missed an episode, if I was one of these celebrity judges I would have been mad too! At least Kathleen Madigan was chosen. We are going to see her next month!! I can hardly wait. I voted for her every week! Click here for story.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pulling up

Last night TJ pulled up twice. The first time I don't think he really knew what he was doing, but we made a big deal out of it. The second time he knew he did something cool and he was very proud of himself. Katie was already in bed, but she could hear us hotting and hollering. We could hear her in her room saying "Good job, TJ." It was very cute.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Joke of the day

A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack."Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager.Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral.The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed.Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office.She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral."She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?"

(you're gonna love this)

(its a real treat)

(a masterpiece)

(wait for it)

The bank manager looks back at her and says...

"It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."

(You're singing it, aren't you? Yeah, I know you are........)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Shampooing the carpet

A few weeks ago my sisters came over for a visit and we decided it would be a good time to shampoo the carpets since I would have help with the kids and all. Actually, Leslie was very excited about it. We got all the furniture moved and vacuumed about 3 times and then Les curled up under the table in the sofa cushions and fell asleep. Man, she was out. I started just on the other side of the couch. For at least an hour Janie and I cleaned by ourselves. Les never even budged. It was quiet funny. Of course, first thing in the morning someone spilled their pop on the floor, the next day TJ stole his sister's pizza and rubbed it into the carpet. I give up. How does tile in the living room sound?


Scott and I both took the day off yesterday and took the kids to the circus. Katie was a little scared at first but by the second half she was having a great time. She spent the whole first half on my lap and the second half standing in her chair. When the elephants came out she made elephant noises and she raored at the tigers. It was very cute. TJ on the other hand was not as impressed. He was up for the first 15 min or so, but then he was out. They didn't have the motorcycles in the big sphere this year. I know Scott really likes that. I enjoy all the animals, the circling rings, and the high wire act. I succeded in keeping Scott from running away with the circus for atleast one more year.


TJ is getting QUICK. One moment he is playing in the living room. The next you hear him playing happily in the hall way. But when you go to check on him this is the kind of thing you find...

This happened on laundry day and Katie's hamper was still in the hall. As you can see he knocked it over and crawled right in. Didn't bother him at all, he was having a great time. But she sister decided this event needed her involvement and she was on board for the rescue. Unfortunately, an ungrateful recuee decided to pull her hair as she tried to get him out.

Crop Walk

This Sunday I will be participating in the Foothills Crop Walk. If you would like to find out more or sponsor me in the walk click here.

Thank you to those who have already given your support!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Almost a week

I can not believe it has almost been a week since my last post. The kids have been driving me bonkers. With TJ faster than a speeding bullet and the bigger 2 constantly fighting. I have no time for anything. Belly dancing is almost over again. I only have one week left. I am trying to decide if I am going to take it again. It is a lot of fun, but Tues nights are not great for me. Anywho, it is late, I am going to bed.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Elmo Underwear

Well, I finally found Elmo underwear for Katie. You would think I was searching for lost treasure! Everywhere I went I found Hello Kitty, Dora, My Little Ponies, Strawberry Shortcake, Hilary Duff, but no Elmo. Finally, Tuesday I was at the mall (picking up Cinderella) and decided to check all the department stores there. I finally found them at Sears. $7.00 for 3 pair, can you believe that? I was slightly outraged. I paid $14.00 for 6 pair of underwear, all of which now have been peed in! Potty training, what a joy.

September Poll results

Well, that was helpful... 100%... other. FYI- there will no longer be a other option on polls. Comentment isn't fatal. Oh well, since we bought the jet skiis a girl trip is pretty much out anyway. Next months poll will be on... I am still deciding.

Friday, September 30, 2005

The new thrift store

Thrift stores are awesome! I really like the new one in our neighborhood. Today I got 2 new Halloween outfits for the kids and they were each only 95 cents. TJ will be a tiger that kinda looks like Hobbes and Katie will be a pink bunny. I got a dress that will work for Ren Fest or a Witch. My crazy sister wants everyone to know she will be a WP cheerleader for Halloween. Apparently, Janie will be a 70's person. I also got Christmas toys for the kids and a Buffs outfit for TJ and and snow bibs for Katie. Almost forgot I also got a great skirt for church. As you can tell I don't have anything inordinate to talk about today. I will have a busy weekend putting in the gate and moving the Lilacs. Oh, boy! Have a great weekend.

Monday, September 26, 2005

TJ's Baptism

Pictures from the baptism as promised. On top: Our pastor is in the striped shirt and the kids are with their respected god parents. Below: Our parents and my sisters with us. With some exceptions with the food not being the way I ordered it. Everything went great. There were a lot of people that cancelled in the last 48 hours, up to minitues before even. I refuse to let it get me down. The way I see it God has big plans for our little TJ for the devil to have been giving us so many problems just with a littte baby's baptism. As I was driving to church at 9:00 it was cold, overcast, and drizzling, but when I went out to the car at noon to get his outfit the sun had come out and it was beautiful. He was baptized with water from Clear Creek, if you don't know that is the same water that makes Coors. We had a few other kids there. Katie's little friend came up to get a closer look while we were baptizing him, it was very cute, and her other little friend (whose dad was taping for me) was more interested in the goose poop. It makes for a great home video.

So true....

Did you see Baby Blues this weekend? Oh, it is sad, but true. Network TV these days is simply atrocious. There are somethings I can not believe they can say on TV! There are so many times I have to stop and go... did they really just say that? And there are times it is artistic or necessary for they story line, but most of the time I think it is there for shock value. Now, I am not saying we have to go back to to extreme of the 50's where husband and wife had twin beds and you couldn't show belly buttons, but come on people. At the very least watch the language. Baby Blues makes the comment about this being a night time phenomenon, but I could care less what they play after the kids go to be. South Park comes on at 10:30, my kids better not be up then. What makes me mad is when these things happen at prime time. Now I know what you are thinking... stop your belly aching and just turn it off. Well, believe me I do! There are great shows out there that I can not watch, because the content is not suitable for kids (or the weak at heart.) It just erks me off!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wild at Heart thoughts

We are currently studying Wild at Heart by John Eldridge. This is something I wrote up based on a study from the book. I highly recomend this book for men. I personally would rather read something else, but hey, the guys like it.

Useful Things I Can Do
Read Music
Fix Plumbing
Change Diapers
Catch and Clean Fish
Take excellent Rads
Change my oil/spark plugs/ tires

Useful Things I cannot Do
Defend Myself
Drive a Nail
Fix a car
Keep plants alive
Properly restrain an animal
Say "no"

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Long Awaited Zephaniah Notes

Ok, this 3 chapter book took me a long time to go through. Lets hope I never tackle Psalms :-)

So, anyway, this book was SCARY. A ton of doom and destruction. Probably why it took me so long to get through.The first two chapters and a lot of the third was just that. A very scary picture of distruction, some that is still yet to come. Like the reverse order of creation for all creatures. But it was not all gloom and doom it was also a sorse of hope. Seek the Lord, righteousness, and huimility to perhaps be sheltered from rath. This book shows us how to avoid rath, shows we have total love from the Lord and we can celebrte in that love, and finally justice will be given to our enemy. This is something I need to come back to as I have problems with forgiveness, justice wil be done. Hopefully my next book won't take as long.

My Manifesto...

A while back my awsome friend Nutmeg did this on here blog and I have been working on it here and there since. It is a list (not conclusive mind you) of thing you believe in.
My manifesto…
I believe Jesus came to wash us clean of our sins. I believe this does NOT give us an excuse to keep living in sin. I believe I am going to get mad at someone today. I believe I can change that attitude. I believe it is not worth adding 0.8 years to my life by not eating cheeseburgers. I believe I have the best kids in the world. I believe I have the cutest kids in the world. I believe my husband is a genius. I believe the moon landing is real. I believe fish is gross, but healthy. I believe broccoli is the best vegetable. I believe you can not have a good relationship with your mother-in-law. I believe your mother is nicer to you once you move out and she doesn’t have to wash your underwear anymore. I believe by 22 you should not be doing laundry at your mother’s. I believe God heals. I believe stubbing your toe hurts more than getting a shot. I believe “can not” should be written as two words. I believe “fishes” is a sure sign of ignorance. I believe you shouldn’t listen to people who make you feel stupid. I believe wool itches. I believe I can be anything I want to be. I believe I will be a friend to my friends, even when they are not being friends to me. I believe some friendships last a lifetime. I believe having children after 50 is insane. I believe being an only child is lonely. I believe in anti-psychotic drugs. I believe exercise gives me more energy. I believe no matter how much I practice, I will never be a good dancer. I believe I will keep dancing anyway. I believe no one sin is worse than another. I believe jet skies are way fun. I believe steam cleaners are awesome. I believe junior high is the most difficult time in life. I believe the terrible 3s are much worse than the terrible 2s. I believe a baby with a full tummy is the key to sleeping through the night. I believe in PDF parenting. I believe I have the best job in the world. I believe in PMS. I believe some friends are forever. I believe opposites attract. I believe children should only speak when spoken to. I believe in spanking. I believe my children need to stay in my site while in public. I believe Cold Stone has the best ice-cream. I believe sometimes you love someone more than they love you. I believe CD cases multiply. I believe I will never finish this list.

Edited November 30, 2012
Wordle of this post

Monday, September 19, 2005

Jackson Lake

We spent this weekend at Jackson Lake with our small group. We had a great time. It was TJ's first camping trip. He did great. Katie liked sleeping in her new Princesses sleeping bag. They both played in the sand during the day while we were out on the jet skies. The 2 dots in the picture above are our jet skies. Not sure who is on them though. I LOVE the new jet skies. I was worried that we spent too much on them, but wow, I was wrong. They are so awesome. I got mine almost up to 60 mph. Scott was learning all sorts of tricks. Plus we borrowed a tube to pull behind. The boys enjoyed that. The weather was just perfect on Saturday. It was so relaxing just sitting on the beach and taking turns on the jet skies. Katie learned that when you are picking things up that are under water you have to reach below the top of the water. She had this toy she was plying with that she kept throwing in the water, but then she would pinch at the top of the water to pick it up. Daddy showed her that it was below the water. TJ loved moving the sand with his hands (and eating it.) We made a monster marshmallow that I think made 4 smores. You can see it in the photo on the left. It as hilarious. It tasted great though. All in all it was a perfect weekend.