Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer Bucket List 2014

Another summer is here.  Wasn't it JUST spring break?  Heck, wasn't it JUST SNOWING?!?!  Anyway, here we are.  How am I going to make each day count?
  1. Memorize the book of Titus
  2. Get Katie comfortable riding her bike to the Rec center
  3. Get D off her training wheels
  4. Walk around the lakes a few times
  5. Go on that hike Christi told me about
  6. Go to the Sand Dunes?
  7. Check out the sensory park
  8. Water gun fight
  9. Weaver Hollow and Deer Creek pool days
  10. Paint fort
  11. Sand and paint picnic table
  12. Get more sand for the sand box
  13. Run some Red Rocks stairs
  14. Escape to the mountains for a day
  15. Prep for Science Fair and Senior Breakfast
  16. Get clothes ready for the clothing sale
  17. Clean out the basement
  18. Get D to memorize her sight words
  19. Get TJ to read, ANYTHING
  20. Try a Pinterest project at least once a week
  21. Check out the Farmers Market
  22. Blog more
I hope to add more later, but this should get us started today!