Saturday, March 01, 2008

Birdie Sex Change

Many of you know Buddy as my ornery Quaker Parakeet. Well, this morning we have decided to rename him Bianca. Quakers are monomorphic meaning both male and female look exactly the same. Although you can have blood work done to determine the sex, I never really saw the need to put him through the torture or spend the money. I have worked for 2 avian doctors, one of whom is very renowned and I have never done or seen this procedure done. Hence, when I was working for Pet’s Mart all the animals were “Buddy” when I decided to bring our “Buddy” home the name stuck. Well, last I was looking in on him and discovered he had plucked out all his belly feathers!! What was that about I thought? Knowing he is a plucker, I didn’t worry about it to much. Then this morning I got up, feed the kids, let the dog out, and grabbed the trashcan and fresh paper towels to clean his cage. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but an EGG. I was totally shocked!! The kids thought she had a baby when I showed them. I explained that she hasn’t been around any boy birds so it was just an egg. That satisfied their curiosity. So, from this day forth Buddy shall now be known as Bianca.

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