Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just a day

The kids are playing together upstairs and NOT fighting, can you believe it? We had a pretty lame date last night. There is a short in my ski so we couldn't go jet skiing. We tried to go to the SCUBA store, but they were closed by the time we got there. We checked Gart, Dick's, and Sportmans, but didn't find anything. Took Katie to school this morning, she seems to be adjusting just fine. Tonight I have Girl Scout training. Not looking forward to that. Tomorrow night I have a parent meeting at TJ's school, after having a kid there for 2 years now I am not sure if I need to or not, but it gives me a chance to turn in his paperwork and talk to other Kindergarten moms about Daisies. Lilah got 2 top teeth yesterday, but not the ones in the middle. What's up with that? There has been so much going on here that I am just exhausted. The fort is still not done, the bathroom is still not tiled and I have a mountain of laundry. I feel like I am getting back into rhythm with Katie back in school. Not sure if I will feel the same with TJ in school next week!! I will be driving all morning!! I have adjusted Lilah's nap though so that I should have from the time I drop TJ off to the time I pick Katie up all to myself. That will be nice. I am worried about my friend Megan. I haven't heard from her and she hasn't blogged in a long time. I think I will have to find time to call her this weekend. I also haven't talked to my friend Fer since before her wedding!!! Plus I have been worring about my friend Laura for over a year!!! At least I am an equal oppertunity louse. Gess I need to make some calls this weekend. Well, better search missing teeth in babies.

1 comment:

Janie said...

well maybe we could find a day or 2 durring school that i could help lol, i hope ur time 2 urself works out! :)