Monday, January 30, 2012

It almost did me in

I am slowly coming out of a week with a terrible cold.  Sat/Sun of last week I started off with a cough.  Nothing a tough guy like me couldn't handle.  So I spent Saturday flinging and counting cases upon cases of Girl Scout cookies.  Then I spent Sunday teaching Sunday School to a class of out of control 2nd grade boys then drove to the Springs, well, I didn't acctually make it before my truck decided not to go another inch as I was barreling down I25 at 75 miles and hour.  Thankfully I was close enough to call my dad and he came to my rescue jumped the truck bought me a new battery and I was back on my way to spending and hour going door to door in the wind selling cookies with Katie.  This may have been part of the reason I spent Monday on the couch sleeping in between starting new cartoons for Delilah.  Tuesday was slightly better as I sent Delilah off to school and went back to bed.  By Wednesday I got the call everyone dreads from the school.  "What were you thinking sending your sick kid to school?  We don't want them here, come get them."  Sigh, this call comes an hour before I am taking my Scouts to JumpStreet.  Calling all Moms, calling all moms.  I NEED BACKUP!!!  This was followed by 3 days of taking kids temps, drugging children, getting puked on and napping on the living room floor.  Good times.  I am happy to report I sent 2 kids back to school today and ran a few erronds, but I am exahusted already and want to go back to bed.  But, on the bright side, my pants are a LOT looser.  I guess not eating for a week is one diet plan that works, although I don't recomend it.

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