Thursday, January 14, 2021

Ambidextrous, purple, giraffes

There is a lot of political turmoil right now. The left hates the right, the right hates the left. Vote blue all the way, no red. Donkeys face off against elephants in political cartoons. Trump is racist, Biden is communist. Can we just wait a hot minute? I dare say with the exception the 1% on each side, most people are ambidextrous, purple, giraffes.  Yes, I did say 1% and for that I apologize.  That means 98% of us are ambidextrous, purple, giraffes to some extent.

We all have the overly liberal cousin on Facebook that makes you back up slowly from your keyboard after reading her posts.  The brother-in-law that gets the death glare by your sister when he brings up that you voted for re-introducing wolves.  Maybe you have even had a major panic attack Thanksgiving morning when you realize you not only have your super conservative father-in-law coming over, but also your super liberal friend and her daughter!  These are all true stories.  But guess what?  I still love my cousin and her cute dimples; I love my brother-in-law and understand his views on the impact of wolves and ranchers.  Politics DID come up during that fateful (pre-Covid) Thanksgiving, and guess what?  There was a lovely conversation, without yelling, name calling or hurt feelings.

So, what is a ambidextrous, purple, giraffe?  An ambidextrous, purple, giraffe is pro-life as in against abortion AND against the death penalty.  They want to increase taxation including funding for the military.  They want to lessen government oversight, including whom one can marry.  They are against amnesty for undocumented immigrants and for increased minimum wage.  They believe everyone should wear a mask, get the vaccine, AND open up schools, sports and businesses.  They want regulations to reduce green house gases and privatized health care.  They believe teachers should be well compensated and that we all have the right to bare arms.  Save the whales and your i.d., because you will need it to vote.   Feel free to mix and match any of these statements, to be your own shade of ambidextrous, purple, giraffes.  Maybe your purple is bluer or redder, or maybe you are way out there and some shade of yellow, because there are ways to think outside the box on many issues, but that is for another post.

As an ambidextrous, purple, giraffe, you need not be pigeon holed on one side or the other, you still have a choice!  Christian? You are allowed to be a democrat.  Black? You are allowed to be a republican.  Live in California? Yep, you too can be a republican!  Live in Texas?  It is ok to be a democrat, although be careful who you tell.  Spend your weekends cleaning the ocean and beaches?  You might be a republican.  In your tree stand the first day of hunting season? You might be a democrat.  It is ok!  Your religion, skin color, or place you decide to call home does no get to dictate how you vote.

So, love your elephant neighbor and your donkey boss.  When uncomfortable conversations arise, listen more and talk less, because chances are the answer isn’t blue or red, but some shade of yellow.  Stop arguing and start brainstorming.  Listening to one another doesn’t hurt you or them and you might both realize you are ambidextrous, purple, giraffes too.

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