Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I just finished a great book, March by Geraldine Brooks. It is a spin off of Little Women, this story is about the father and his trials as he is away from the family as a chaplin during the Civil War. It took a little while to get into, and there was a couple chapters near the end where they change the 1st person point of view, and then change it back. That was anoying. But over all I thought it was a great book. I down loaded it for my MP3 player to listen to at the gym. Scott got me a membership to so I can listen to books while I work out. He doesn't understand how I can work out to a book, but I like it. Anyway, that is my review for this week. Now I am listening to another Joyce Meyers book, but this one isn't natated by her, so I am not as into this one yet. I will let you know more when I finish it.

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