Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I sit here waiting for a list of missionary addesses to send out Christmas cards. Of course the frusterating part is I asked for them a week and a half ago and sent a "friendly reminder" Friday. I was so excited to send out Christmas cards to the missionaries, but now I am counting down the days and knowing I am not going to have time to get these done in time unless I get those addresses SOON. I have 81 stamps 45 cards on my work table, but no one to send them to. On a possitive note, I finally got all MY mailing done this morning. The nice woman at the post office even said "have a nice Christmas" not happy holigrrr. Did I tell you the lady I gave the microwave said "happy holidays" as she was walking out and I nearly tackled her and took the microwave back. 96% of Americans celebrate Christmas, but golly, let's not offend someone in the friggin' 4%. If someone wished me a happy Haunakah I woundn't flip, I can hardly imagine someone else would, but grr don't wish me a Happy Holiday unless you want a foot up your hinie. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

1 comment:

R Hall said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!
Thanks for sharing these on line for me to see!