Thursday, October 13, 2011

Over Acheiver

I am beat.  Beat down, face in the dirt, BEAT.  And it is only October (school calander mind you).  I have been saying no and yet things keep coming at me.  Ok, there are the occations where I was not given the oppertunity to say no and hence have been burried deeper, but come on!!!  Where is this all coming from?  I did get roped into the Clothing Sale, and although that is over things keep trickling in.  Then there is what was supposed to be the simple thing of Boy Scouts of which I wanted nothing to do with it.   Girl Scouts where the events just keep coming in one of which I am hosting.  Parent teacher confrences, easy?  No, we have to supply dinner for the teachers.  Making playdoh (which I love to do) & make colored pasta (which I don't remember how to do) for preschool.  Then there are sick kids!!  No free time in 2 weeks.  And this "free time" I was expecting... I am running to Boy/Girl Scout Council, grocery shopping, or other such nonsense.  I have this lovely gift certificate for a massage waiting for me.  I saved it to use after the Warrior Dash...  that was in August... and I am still sore.  Now, I would love/need a hair cut, but some how can not fit either of these 2 simple things into my 6 child free hours a week.  The hair cut was going to happen today, but alas, I had a sick kid home from school.  I shouldn't complain.  It is an honnor to be able to do these things right?  This is why we SAHM do just that...stay at home.  We want an active part in the raising of our children right?  Right???  RIGHT?????  But we are cranky and exhausted, because 10% of the people do 90% of the work.  And I am starting to see that within that 10% is a smaller community of over acheivers we will call them the 1% that do 50% of the 90%.  That has to be gramatically incorrect, but you get the idea.  Don't get me wrong, I love doing things like the yearbook, but the dang website is so slow I could race it against a snail and I dare not leave the computer while I am trying to upload pictures, because if the computer goes to sleep I have to start all over.  Sigh.  Ok, tomorrow an upbeat post.  Promise.

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