Friday, October 19, 2012

Homemade Applesause

This year we were lucky to have a neighbor share their abundance of apples with us.  I decided the bulk should be applesause.  It is healthy, as I am in diet mode again, and uses up a lot of apples.  So here is the simple recipe.
5Lbs apples cored and quarterd (not peeled)
1 cup water
1 lemon
Optional -
Sugar, cimmamon stick or vanilla bean

Heat all ingredients in a large pot until squishy.  Yes, that is a technical term. Take out cinammon stick or vanilla bean if you used it. Then grab your immersion blender and go to town!  Let it cool an freeze.  It is so good that I burned my tongue trying it out.  So, worth it.
Now, on to apple pie, again no peeling.  Why do people peel apples and potatoes ?  I just don't get it.  The peel is the nutritious part and tasty to boot.

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