Sunday, June 01, 2008

Day four

Today was a special day. We got to visit with Scott's aunt and uncle at his cousin's house. Scott hasn't seen his cousin, Kevin, in about 15 years. Kevin is married and has 3 kids. Amaya is 4, Cyrus is 2, and Sataya is 7 1/2 months. All of the kids had a pair. It was really cute. Katie and Amaya quickly became best buds. TJ and Cyrus were both shy (and sleepy) at first, but were soon playing together. Even the babies enjoyed pulling each others hair and napping together. It was fun to see Katie put together that Scott's aunt Susan was her Grammie's sister. When we left Katie was crying and asked "Am I ever going to see Amaya again?" It was very sweet.
Then we headed to the hotel and let the kids play in the pool for a little bit before bed.

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