Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sicko kids and vaccation

Well, my vaccation began at 2:00 this afternoon. So far, I have gone to the store and made 2 pumpkin pies. Whoo Hoo! The kids are sick. TJ is taking it better than Katie. He just wants nothing to do with Kleenx. Katie on the other hand is getting up many times during the night and being a big fussy butt during the day. I hope they get over this quick as dad is leaving for CA next week and he always brings something home with him. Maybe their immune system will be all built up and they won't get sick. I am very excited about my time off. I will be doing a lot of baking and shopping and visiting friends and relaxing. To bad Scott will be gone for part of it. I hope I can get this house clean, but I am not going to put money on it.

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