Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Day 4 Laundyroom

Don't you hate when you think there is noting wrong with a room and then you are like "serioulsy?!?!  Why do I have this?"  Yeah, that was my laundry loom.  Now my laudry room is really a closet so, I didn't really even think there was anything I was going to do. 
  "Here is my before picture... here is my after picture... I dusted off the lint??"  BUT thankfully for anyone so unlucky to stumble upon this blog there was a little more to todays "challenge."  Ok VERY little, but lets pretend shall we?  Ok, see the 2 containers of laudry soap on the top shelf in the before picture?  Yeah... those were empty.  I am not a hoarder I SWEAR!!!  I saved them for when I made my own laundry saop and I DO make my own laundry soap and I found a receipe I love... it just isn't a LIQUID receipe.  Yes, I have been making powdered detergent for a while now and these containers are still here.  Sigh, I forget things.  Ok, so step one threw those in the recycling bin.  NEXT?  Ok, I used dryer bars they come with a holder that holds the bar in the dryer and it stays there for about 3 months, they are pretty nice.  I had 2 extra holders in there collecting lint.  Why?  WHY I ask you!?!?  Ok, besides that I wound the cord around my iorn (that is used to iorn on Girl/Boy Scout patches more than iorn clothes, but I digress,) organized a little basket I keep extra supplies in and moved all the blankets to the same shelf.
  It really was another pretty easy day.  So far this 21 days is easy peasy, but I know they won't all get done in less than 5 minutes.  Did I mention my fear of the craft room day?
I am also not sure why my lighing source changed?

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