Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Day 5-Purse

Ok you don't get a picture of my purse, but seriously, how is this organizing my home?  I don't know about you, but my purse needs cleaned out all the time. 

So here is what I do on a biweekly basis.  Go through those coupons and check expiration dates, ok, maybe this one happens to be more like a bimonthly task, but it still has to be done.  I had to pull out my check book this time.  I don't like to carry it around with me, but it was in there so, out it came.  Receipts, do they mate in there?  Geeze!!  And why do I get a 5ft receipt when I just bought toilet paper?  Why do I even get a receipt?  Is someone going to accuse me of stealing tp?  I certainly am not going to return it.  Sheesh.  Did I get off track AGAIN?  Sorry, ok there were some gum wrappers in there, you know, just incase.  I also went through all those store cards.  I know I don't need 80% of them AT ALL and the other 20% I can use my phone number for.  I kept the ones I use regularly, grocery store, Michaels, Pet co ect.  All the others?  TTFN. 

Tomorrow is "under sinks" which is 1.5 sinks.  Under the kitchen sink (25% trash can), and under one bathroom sink, but half is towels.  The downstairs bathroom is a pedestal sink so.... I am thinking I am goo there!  Another easy day.  It is ok, I see the craft room in my future......

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